
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Authentic Spiritual Wazaif of Khwaja Arif Revgari رحمت اللہ علیہ:

Ubqari Magazine - November 2020


Harshness or Roughness of Voice:  Mix one gram cubeb or Tailed Pepper (powder) in six grams honey, lick the same amount many times in a day.

Authentic Spiritual Wazaif of Khwaja Arif Revgari رحمت اللہ علیہ:

 1-To get rid of Epileptic Seizure:

If someone suffers from epileptic seizure, to get rid of it recite the following words three times with ablution and blow on the patient’s body. Due to the blessing of this process, Insha’Allah seizure will end and the patient will recover. The words are: (﷽۔ المص- طسم-کھیعص- یس- والقران الحکیم – حم- عسق- ن و القلم وما یسطرون)


2-Safety of children from Evil Eye and Jin:

Recite the following words three times on black pepper or frankincense and fumigate it (put it on the coal fire) in the whole house twice (after sunrise in the morning and after sunset in the evening). It is safety from evil eye on the children, effects of jinn and many diseases (smallpox, measles, influenza, diarrhea etc.)  The words are: (علیقا- ملیقا۔ تلیقا۔ انت تعلم ما فی قلوبھم)


3- All grieves will be Gone:

This process keeps away every kind of grief and gives complete salvation from every problem. Recite after Isha prayer (انما اشکوا بثی و حزنی الی اللہ) (Surah Youssef: Verse no# 86) 300 times with eleven times Darood Shareef before and after. And pray to get rid of every kind of problem and grief. Insha’Allah, all grieves and problems will be gone and the heart will be happy and satisfied.


4-Safety from Theft, Robbery, Murder and Trouble:

Recite before and after Darood Shareef eleven times and then recite  ﷽ eleven times and blow it by turning the face towards judge, witness and ruler daily in the morning. Drink water twice a day after reciting Surah Al- Ikhlas, Surah Al-Falaq, and Surah An-Nas on it after performing ablution and must drink it in the days of trial or hearing.


5- Less Hearing in Old Age:

If e person’s sense of hearing has become less, recite the following verse 41 times after Isha prayer on both hands and rub them on the face and ears three times. Do this for 41 days without any pause, Insha’Allah the hearing will recover. The verse is: (فقضھن سبع سموات فی یومین و اوحی فی کل سماء امرھا: حم سجدہ 12) (Surah Ha-mim Sajda/Fussilat)


6- Safety in Travelling:

 If anyone is going somewhere and he wants to be safe physically and financially, he must recite one time Ayat ul Kursi and three times Surah Al-Ikhlas on himself. Insha’Allah, will be safe until coming back to home. If anyone recites, in the morning, one time Ayat ul Kursi and three times Surah Al-Ikhlas, he will be safe from every kind of problem or trouble till dawn to dusk. And if anyone recites at night, he will be safe from theft, robbery and trouble till morning.


7-For Physical Diseases:

 If someone is suffering from any physical disease, itching, cough or any internal disease, he should recite Ayat ul Kursi eleven times(with ablution) daily on both hands and rub them on the whole body from head to toe and drink the water by reciting Ayat ul Kursi eleven times on it. If patient can’t do that, then someone can recite it on the hands of the patient.


Write this Verse, Mix and Drink it! The liver Disease will End!

If someone’s liver does not work or has jaundice or can’t digest food, or has swellinf on face and feet, in all these conditions write the following verse on a paper (with ablution) and put in the wax cloth and give it to the patient to wear. And write this verse with saffron mixed in rose water (with ablution) on the simple porcelain plates (without flowers) and wash a plate daily and give this water to the patient to drink empty stomach. Insha’Allah, the patient will recover with a few days of treatment. The verse is: (﷽: قل لو کان البحر مداد لکلمت ربی لنفد البحر قبل ان تنفد کلمت ربی ولو جئنا بمثلہ مددا) (Surah Al- Kahaf, 109)


Despite of Hard work, Live from Hand to Mouth! Do this!

If a person is poor and does hard work but he lives from hand to mouth then he should recite Surah Al- Muzammil eleven times after Maghrib or Isha prayer. Recite Darood Shareef eleven times before reciting surah. When he reaches at (فاتخذہ وکیلا) then recite this (حسبنا اللہ و نعم وکیل) twenty five times. With the blessing of this process, poverty and distress will end. The business will expand, and more resources will produce. The problems will end from home. Allah Almighty will reward more at hard work. The sustenance will be given from such resources in which there will be blessing, reverence and peace. Allah will save from the provision of humiliation. The condition is this: you have to recite it daily without any pause in days with full concentration and belief.


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